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1984 – Summer Stars for Paul


My favorite (and only) brother-in-law began seriously dating a lady I also liked a lot.  They were a great couple and after a while, moved in together.  We visited from time to time and really enjoyed them.

The subject of quilting came up one day and Penny asked if I would make a quilt for her and Paul.  Together, we chose a pattern I was willing to make and they chose the colors they preferred.  We all agreed on a price so I purchased fabric and began the quilt.

As I was machine piecing the top, they’re relationship continued to become more and more serious so I intended to present the quilt to them at their upcoming wedding.  They each had discussed their impending marriage with me so I thought the quilt would be a perfect surprise gift.

They broke up and because Paul was emotionally and financially devastated, he moved in with us for a while.  I put the quilt away until he got back on his feet and moved into his own place.  I finished the top, then hand quilted it.  It has wide muslin backing and lofty batting.  It was hand quilted in the ditch.

Paul remains my favorite brother-in-law, though I seldom see him since he moved to Florida.  I eventually sent the quilt to him in thanks for our close friendship.  These are the only pictures I have of the full-size quilt.

Paul's Summer Stars - 1984

Paul’s Summer Stars – 1984

Paul quilt1984-2

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