Leftover Between Quilt

Between Quilt

After realistic assessment of my remaining years and deteriorating health, I’ve worked to complete all UFO’s (UnFinished Objects) and have vowed for the rest of my life to finish what I start.  When I pass, I don’t want to burden my family with deciding what to do with bits and pieces of projects.  Finished quilts are easy to cherish, whereas unfinished ones are a quandary!

Since completing the last quilt, I’ve been a little lost without a new project.  Also facing Jacob’s leaving for his new out-of-state job, I KNOW I need a fun distraction to occupy my mind and hands.  For the first time in many, many years, I won’t be an on call, full-time, all the time mom.  Yikes!  SCARY!

Being in a state of flux, I’ve started what I’m calling a ‘Between Quilt’ (between the last quilt and the next!) while deciding whether to undertake a more major, time consuming project in the future.

In the quilting world, this pattern is called ‘Blockade’, ‘Hidden Pinwheels’ or ‘King’s X’.  It mostly uses the cut scraps I’ve saved from past quilt projects.  I’ve machine-sewn the block segments and will assemble them by hand.  The current plan is to piece the back with stash fabric and quilt it using thread left from other quilts, making it a true ‘leftover’ quilt. I love how bright and cheerful it’s becoming with nary a financial investment.  Rejoice my frugal heart!


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