More PJ Pants

B n J Pajama pantsWe finally got past the residual rainfall from Hurricane Patricia.  We were more fortunate than many by receiving a little less than 5″ during the weekend.  We needed it!  I felt so bad that Jacob’s trip to and from Grapeland was under rainy skies and over wet roads.  It certainly makes a 6 hour drive seem much, much longer.  Thankfully, his trip was without incident.

During the rainy weather, I made more pajama pants.  The teal/blue are for Jacob, who was thrilled to receive them.  During emergency weather conditions (ice, snow), he may spend the night on a cot at work.  Until now (because he doesn’t own pajamas), he had planned to sleep in his clothes (for the sake of modesty).  Now, he can sleep in a tshirt and these pants and feel completely clothed while comfortable.  He loves them!

The dark red/purple pair of pants are for Bob.  Since making 2 other pair for him, he has worn them daily so another pair will be handy especially since I already have the pattern, flannel and elastic.  They whip up so easily!

I’m hoping my sewing mood lasts.  I am in serious need for warm, casual tops.  I have lots of cotton knit fabric needing to be used and cooler weather is coming.  Wish I enjoyed sewing for myself more than I do.

The quilting on the Bright Hopes baby quilt is finished.  I embroidered a label and made the binding last night.  All that’s left to do is sew them on and launder.   I’ll be looking for another quilting project soon.  Hoping to feel like finishing something I’ve already started but we shall see.  It’s so easy to get distracted by something new and exciting.


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