Ay, Yai, Yai!!

After talking to several local farmers and kitchen gardeners, I’ve learned to be even more grateful for a flourishing garden.  Many area gardeners live on low-lying  land which, after our daily HEAVY rains, is boggy and swampy.  Their gardens have rotted.  I’m so sad for their wasted work, expense and loss of delicious harvests.


Overachieving Roma tomato plant

We live on a sandy, silt hill.  In some spots of our 6 acres we can find a thin layer of clay when we dig 4-6 foot.  In other spots, we’ve dug up to 10 foot and found only more sand.  Water seeps through the sand quickly so puddles don’t form.  Unfortunately, nutrients also seep quickly.  This is why we add compost each year.

Here is a photo (complete with camera strap and old lady hand) of one of our Roma tomato plants.  We’ve planted 2 dozen and most are equally productive.  Pardon the weeds as it’s been too rainy to get out with the tiller to control them.  Production doesn’t appear affected!  It’s CRAZY!  If I didn’t know better, I’d say the plant is on steroids…. but I know better.  We are organic gardeners.  Though it’s difficult to tell in this photo, this plant is only about 3′ tall.  Because of the angle, the fruit looks smaller than reality.  They are mature Roma tomato size and only need some red before they are ready to harvest.  The canning jars are ready and waiting!

We also have baby bell peppers, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, potatoes and eggplant.  I’m continuing to harvest snow peas each day and by the look of all the blossoms on our Purple Hulls and Lady Creams, we’ll have peas to shell soon.  We ate our first yellow squash last night for dinner.  I sliced and steamed it along with snow peas, mushrooms, carrots and green onion.  DEEEElicious!

During the day, between garden and house duties, I continue quilting the Split-16 queen+ quilt border.  I’m down to the last side so the end is in sight.  At night after dinner, I work on the Wonky Stars sofa quilt.  It’s also complete except for part of the border.  It’s pretty exciting having 2 quilts nearing completion at the same time.  Hmmmm, wondering what I’ll do next!


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