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All posts in August, 2010

‘Sunset’ quilt, designed by Julie Popa of Sunflower Hill Designs


Had a great idea two days ago. Because each time I walk away from the business phone and try to sew or quilt, we get a call that requires my immediate attention. It’s incredibly frustrating to be constantly interrupted.

And then an idea hit! If the phone and computer can’t come to the quilting frame, then the frame must come to the phone and computer.

With measuring tape in hand, I found with a little furniture re-arranging and shifting, the quilt frame would fit into the office with easy access to the phone and computer.  According to measurements, it fits on the wall of windows so I’ll have a peaceful view to enjoy as I quilt. PERFECT!  I love having a big office all to myself.

Now with every great idea comes ‘the hard part’.

Since my last bout of serious health issues, house cleaning has fallen from my list of life priorities. Before I was willing to bring a quilt into the office, I had to clean… and clean I did.

Because we live in a rural area with lots of dirt roads, dust is a constant problem. Spiderwebs are a major issue too. Early yesterday, I started at the ceiling and worked my way to the floor, eliminating these woes and several others. After an entire day of scrubbing, the office is now sparkling clean.

Finally this morning, Bob and I hefted the frame and quilt into the office.

Sadly, with my already aching back,  moving the quilt frame was the last straw for the day. I’m waxed! Instead of quilting, I’ll spend the afternoon thumbing through a new book I received today.

I managed to snag a copy of “Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Sewing” from my favorite online bookseller (http://www.betterworldbooks.com) for $4.75 and free shipping! The book is pristine; I can’t tell the cover has ever been opened. WHAT A DEAL!!! The book actually cost me $35 because I couldn’t leave their site without picking up several hardbacks from their Bargain Bin.  These folks get a chunk of change from me every month.  I’m a real sucker for cheap books and free shipping.
